Color Options for Handspinning Painted Rovings

1-2 days

Wondering how to get the most out of your painted rovings? This class encourages and teaches you how to explore a variety of options and yarn styles with painted rovings. Learn to anticipate and spin toward your desired goals. Spin tweedy or colorful yarns, or perk-up or tone-down the roving colors. You can create thick or thin or fancy yarns for accents, plus you can spin coordinating yarns for a project. We will explore, spin, and discuss many options.

Bouclé – Beautiful Yarn: Plying with Thread Binders

1 day

Bubbly, bouncy, bewitching, and beautiful! Break out of the spinning doldrums and put some excitement back in your projects. Bouclé yarns add that special spark to your knitted or woven creations. You will be taught techniques to spin wild and imaginative or reproducible and warp-able bouclé yarns. Explore the possibilities and spin the most expensive, fancy, bouclé-style yarns. You’ll learn techniques for record keeping, allowing you to repeat the yarns you wish to spin again.

Beguiling Blends on Hand Cards, Blending Boards, and Drum Carders

1-2 days

Wonderful options begin with the blending process. The workshop focuses equally on hand-carding and drum-carding. Sampling with hand cards shows how various factors affect the blending process. Drum carding is used to understand the different dynamics that come with blending fibers in quantity. A large batch of fibers is blended by two partners, pooled together and divided among all students. You will learn how to sample and record the processes for future reference.